Posted by: kryptonut1 | November 2, 2008

Hello world!

Hi y’all! This is a site for fans of the tv show, Krypto the Superdog!

It will have pics, videos, and other fun things!

I already have posted every episode in the first season of the show on the video page, and I plan to post more soon!


I have every episode in the series on the episode page!


I guess that is about it for now,


Oh yeah,

Please don’t forget to comment!


  1. So, What do y’all think of my site?

  2. wow! Krypto is a cool show! i watched a couple episodes!

  3. Wow, Thanks!

  4. hi good to see u check out this blog (and by this i mean by clickin my name) o and for 2 days or 3days u have alot of hits!!!

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