Fanfics Page!

We are Untied!

By Kryptonut1



Chapter 1


I’m Krypto, although some know me as Superdog. I’m going to tell you about the time Mechanikat was at his worst, trust me, you have no idea how evil he can be…


I was walking in the Metropolis park, listening to my Ipod, when my super-hearing picked up a distress signal from outer space!


I hid in a grove of trees, and changed into Superdog, then I took off.

I started off in the direction of the signal, and soon saw the distressed ship. It was the Dogstar’s rocket, and Mechanikat was using a tracter beam to pull them into his ship! I started towards the ship, but Mechanikat zapped me with a kryptonite ray! I blacked out, and later learned that Snookie Wookums had pulled me into the ship, and locked me in a titanium cage with a little kryptonite embedded in the metal. That’s where I found my self when I woke up. I was really lonley, then I rembered my Ipod! It was still clipped to my collar. I turned it on and played a song. I was listening to a song called You Can’t Take Me from the movie Spirit, I liked that one, and started singing along, “I gotta get me back, I can’t be beat, and that’s a fact. What’s this, holding me? I’m not where I’m supposed to be. I gotta fight another fight, I gotta run another night, get it out, check it out, your in my way and you better watch out! Oh oh oh oh! If you can’t catch a wave than your never gonna ride it, ya can’t come uninvited, never gonna give in never gonna give it up no oh oh oh…

I stopped singing abruptly, you can guess why… Mechanikat walked in!

Stay tuned for chapter 2!



  1. I’ll try to write a story soon.

  2. If anyone was wondering, I did not draw the pic of krypto, but I did edit it.

  3. I find your story to be interesting. My name is Kyle, and I’m one of your loyal fans since 2005. If you want somebody to talk to, I’m available at anytime. As trmania would say, “I’ll see you At the Railyard.”

  4. Seriously! You are amazing!

  5. cool

  6. Great site dude I love this show I try to find as many fanfiction and episodes as I can and I hope I can join!.

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